Sohbet Öncesi Formu(Pre-Chat Form)

Şu tarihte değiştirildi Prş, 30 Ksm, 2023 şunda: 7:36 AM

Sohbet öncesi formlarla ziyaretçilerinizden sohbet başlamadan bilgi toplayabilirsiniz. Bu şekilde bilgi toplamayı tercih ediyorsanız, aşağıdaki kod parçacığını kullanabilirsiniz. Bu kod parçacığını internet sitenizde gövde(head) etiketinin içine ekleyin. Bu kodun bir örnek olduğunu unutmamalısınız. Alanları kendi freshchat hesabınızdaki alan gereksinimlerine göre değiştirmelisiniz. 

<script src=""></script>
<script>  var preChatTemplate = {    //Form header color and Submit button color.    mainbgColor: '#0aa4db',    //Form Header Text and Submit button text color.    maintxColor: '#fff',    //Chat Form Title    heading: 'GadgetGod',    //Chat form Welcome Message    textBanner: 'We can\'t wait to talk to you. But first, please take a couple of moments to tell us a bit about yourself.',    //Submit Button Label.    SubmitLabel: 'Start Chat',    //Fields List - Maximum is 5    //All the values are mandatory and the script will not work if not available.    fields : {      field1 : {        //Type can be either text or title        type: "title",        //Label for Field Title, can be in any language        label: "Title",        //Field ID for Title        fieldId: "title",        //Required "yes" or "no"        required: "yes",        //Error text to be displayed        error: "Please Enter a valid Title"      },      field2 : {        //Type for Name - Do not Change        type: "name",        //Label for Field Name, can be in any language        label: "Name",        //Default - Field ID for Name - Do Not Change        fieldId: "name",        //Required "yes" or "no"        required: "yes",        //Error text to be displayed        error: "Please Enter a valid name"      },      field3 : {        //Type for Email - Do Not Change        type: "email",        //Label for Field Email, can be in any language        label: "Email",        //Default - Field ID for Email - Do Not Change        fieldId: "email",        //Required "yes" or "no"        required: "yes",        //Error text to be displayed        error: "Please Enter a valid Email"      },      field4 : {        //Type for Phone - Do Not Change        type: "phone",        //Label for Field Phone, can be in any language        label: "Phone",        //Default - Field ID for Phone - Do Not Change        fieldId: "phone",        //Required "yes" or "no"        required: "yes",        //Error text to be displayed        error: "Please Enter a valid Phone Number"      },      field5 : {        //Type for Dropdown        type: "dropdown",        //Label for Field Dropdown, can be in any language        label: "Plan",        //Field ID for Plan Dropdown        fieldId: "plan",        //Required "yes" or "no"        required: "yes",        //Error text to be displayed        error: "Please select an option",        //Options for the Dropdown field        options: ['Sprout','Blossom','Garden','Estate','Forest']      }    }  };  window.fcSettings = {    token: "WEB_CHAT_TOKEN",    host: "",    config: {      cssNames: {        //The below element is mandatory. Please add any custom class or leave the default.        widget: 'custom_fc_frame',        //The below element is mandatory. Please add any custom class or leave the default.        expanded: 'custom_fc_expanded'      }    },    onInit: function() {      console.log('widget init');      fcPreChatform.fcWidgetInit(preChatTemplate);    }  };
<script src="" async></script>

Yukarıdaki kodda, hesabınızdaki Yönetici >  Hesap Ayarları > Entegrasyon Ayarları'ndan "WEB_CHAT_TOKEN" i Web Messenger belirteci ile değiştirin .

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